
JavaScript library to dynamically create XUL GUI from Glade XML files
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mab.ls (16501B)

      1 (defvar *loaded* 0) ;; onload counter
      3 (defhandler "on_allinfo_loaded" ()
      4   (incf *loaded*)
      5   (when (< 2 *loaded*) ;; call original code, both iframes loaded
      6     (main)))
      8 (defhandler "on_comment_loaded" ()
      9   (incf *loaded*)
     10   (when (< 2 *loaded*) ;; call original code, both iframes loaded
     11     (main)))
     13 (defun main2 ()
     14   (when (zerop *loaded*)
     15     (incf *loaded*)
     16     (wremove (wget "loading"))
     17     (if window.name
     18         (case window.name
     19           ("Settings"
     20            (load-xml "mab.glade"
     21                      (lambda (glade)
     22                        (let ((widgets (parse-glade glade)))
     23                          (wbuild document.document-element
     24                                  (array (slot-value widgets "settings"))))
     25                        (init-settings))))
     26           ("About"
     27            (load-xml "mab.glade"
     28                      (lambda (glade)
     29                        (let ((widgets (parse-glade glade)))
     30                          (wbuild document.document-element
     31                                  (array (slot-value widgets "about"))))
     32                        #+nil(init))))
     33           ("Help"
     34            (load-xml "mab.glade"
     35                      (lambda (glade)
     36                        (let ((widgets (parse-glade glade)))
     37                          (wbuild document.document-element
     38                                  (array (slot-value widgets "helpWin"))))
     39                        #+nil(init)))))
     40         (load-xml "mab.glade"
     41                   (lambda (glade)
     42                     (let ((widgets (parse-glade glade)))
     43                       (wbuild document.document-element
     44                               (array (slot-value widgets "amazWindow"))))
     45                     (init))))))
     47 (defun settings-dialog ()
     48   #+nil(window.open-dialog "mab.xul" "Settings"
     49                            "chrome,centerscreen,modal,width=440,height=300"
     50                            settings)
     51   (window.open "mab.xul" "Settings"
     52                "chrome,centerscreen,modal,width=440,height=300"))
     54 (defun about-dialog ()
     55   (window.open "mab.xul" "About"
     56                "chrome,centerscreen,modal,width=450,height=350"))
     58 (defun help-dialog ()
     59   (window.open "mab.xul" "Help"
     60                "chrome,centerscreen,resizable,width=640,height=500"))
     62 (defun init ()
     63   (let ((w (wget "amazWindow"))
     64         (cs (wmake w "xul:commandset" (create :id "mabCommand")))
     65         (ks (wmake w "xul:keyset"))
     66         (ms (wmake cs "xul:commandset" (create :id "menubarCommand"))))
     67     ;; Some buttons that have to be disabled in remote MAB
     68     (wmake w "xul:broadcaster" (create :id "isSearchRunning" :disabled "true"))
     69     (wmake w "xul:broadcaster" (create :id "isMabRemote" :disabled "false"))
     70     ;; This invisible spacer is used to store preferences. In this way I
     71     ;; can store preferences for remote and installed MAB version
     72     (wmake w "xul:spacer" (create :id "settings-spacer"
     73                                   :hidden "true"
     74                                   :search "lite"
     75                                   :nr-result 20
     76                                   :persist "search nrResult"))
     77     (dolist (obj (list (list "newSearchCmd" "newSearch()")
     78                        (list "nextCmd" "nextRecord()")
     79                        (list "clearCmd" "clearAll()")
     80                        (list "commentCmd" "getComment()")
     81                        (list "goAmazonCmd" "goAmazon()")
     82                        (list "addCartCmd" "addCart()")
     83                        (list "goGoogleCmd" "goGoogle()")
     84                        (list "deleteCmd" "deleteRow()")))
     85       (wmake cs "xul:command" (create :id (aref obj 0)
     86                                       :oncommand (aref obj 1))))
     87     (dolist (obj (list (list "newCmd" "newDoc()")
     88                        (list "openCmd" "openDoc('open')" "isMabRemote")
     89                        (list "closeCmd" "closeDoc()")
     90                        (list "mergeCmd" "openDoc('merge')" "isMabRemote")
     91                        (list "saveCmd" "saveDoc()" "isMabRemote")
     92                        (list "saveAsCmd" "saveAsDoc()" "isMabRemote")
     93                        (list "exportXMLCmd" "exportXMLDoc()")
     94                        (list "exportHTMLCmd" "exportHTMLDoc()")
     95                        (list "exportTXTCmd" "exportTXTDoc()")
     96                        (list "makeCoverCmd" "openCoverWin()")
     97                        (list "exitCmd" "window.close()")
     98                        (list "simProductCmd" "getSimilarProducts()")
     99                        (list "reloadExpiredCmd" "reloadExpired()")
    100                        (list "reloadCmd" "reload()")
    101                        (list "abortCmd" "abort()")
    102                        (list "bookmarkCmd" "addBookmark()")
    103                        ;;(list "settingsCmd" "window.open('settings.xul','Settings','chrome,centerscreen,modal,width=440,height=300');")
    104                        (list "settingsCmd" "settingsDialog()")
    105                        ;;(list "topicsCmd" "window.open('help.xul','Help','chrome,centerscreen,resizable,width=640,height=500');")
    106                        (list "topicsCmd" "helpDialog()")
    107                        (list "feedbackCmd" "window.open(MAB_FEEDBACK_PAGE)")
    108                        ;;(list "aboutCmd" "window.open('about.xul','About','chrome,centerscreen,modal,width=450,height=350');")))
    109                        (list "aboutCmd" "aboutDialog()")))
    110       (wmake ms "xul:command" (create :id (aref obj 0)
    111                                       :oncommand (aref obj 1)
    112                                       :observes (when (< 2 (length obj))
    113                                                   (aref obj 2)))))
    114     (dolist (obj (list (list "search-key" "VK_RETURN" "newSearchCmd")
    115                        (list "search-key" "VK_ENTER" "newSearchCmd")
    116                        (list "deleteKey" "VK_DELETE" "deleteCmd")))
    117       (wmake ks "xul:key" (create :id (aref obj 0)
    118                                   :keycode (aref obj 1)
    119                                   :command (aref obj 2))))
    120     (dolist (obj (list (list "new-key" "accel" "n" "newCmd")
    121                        (list "close-key" "accel" "w" "closeCmd")
    122                        (list "save-key" "accel" "s" "saveCmd")
    123                        (list "review-key" "accel" "r" "commentCmd")))
    124       (wmake ks "xul:key" (create :id (aref obj 0)
    125                                   :modifiers (aref obj 1)
    126                                   :key (aref obj 2)
    127                                   :command (aref obj 3)))))
    128   ;; now set up existing widgets
    129   (dolist (obj (list (list "new-icon" "newCmd" "new-key")
    130                      (list "save-icon" "saveCmd" "save-key")
    131                      (list "comment-button" "commentCmd" "review-key")
    132                      (list "delete-btn" "deleteCmd" "delete-key")
    133                      (list "open-icon" "openCmd")
    134                      (list "reload-btn" "reloadCmd")
    135                      (list "clear-btn" "clearCmd")
    136                      ;; menuitems
    137                      (list "new1" "newCmd" "new-key")
    138                      (list "open1" "openCmd")
    139                      (list "merge1" "mergeCmd")
    140                      (list "close2" "closeCmd" "close-key")
    141                      (list "save1" "saveCmd" "save-key")
    142                      (list "save_as1" "saveAsCmd")
    143                      (list "export_html1" "exportHTMLCmd")
    144                      (list "export_xml1" "exportXMLCmd")
    145                      (list "quit1" "exitCmd")
    146                      (list "mabAddBookmark" "bookmarkCmd")
    147                      (list "reload1" "reloadCmd")
    148                      (list "load_reviews1" "commentCmd" "review-key")
    149                      (list "load_similar_products1" "simProductCmd")
    150                      (list "delete_rows1" "deleteCmd")
    151                      (list "text_summary1" "exportTXTCmd")
    152                      (list "make_cd_cover1" "makeCoverCmd")
    153                      (list "reload_expired1" "reloadExpiredCmd")
    154                      (list "trash_all1" "clearCmd")
    155                      (list "settings1" "settingsCmd")
    156                      (list "content1" "topicsCmd")
    157                      (list "feedback1" "feedbackCmd")
    158                      (list "about1" "aboutCmd")
    159                      ;; buttons
    160                      (list "search-btn" "newSearchCmd")))
    161     (let ((w (wget (aref obj 0))))
    162       (wsetp w "command" (aref obj 1))
    163       (when (< 2 (length obj))
    164         (wsetp w "key" (aref obj 2)))))
    165   (dolist (obj (list (list "goAmazon-icon" "goAmazonCmd" "a")
    166                      (list "addCart-icon" "addCartCmd" "d")
    167                      (list "goGoogle-icon" "goGoogleCmd" "g")
    168                      (list "goAmazon-button" "goAmazonCmd" "a")
    169                      (list "addCart-button" "addCartCmd" "d")
    170                      (list "next-btn" "nextCmd" "m")))
    171     (let ((w (wget (aref obj 0))))
    172       (wsetp w "command" (aref obj 1))
    173       (wsetp w "accesskey" (aref obj 2))))
    174   (dolist (obj (list (list "none1" "setLabel('none')")
    175                      (list "orange1" "setLabel('Orange')")
    176                      (list "blue1" "setLabel('Blue')")
    177                      (list "green1" "setLabel('Green')")
    178                      (list "maroon1" "setLabel('Maroon')")
    179                      (list "olive1" "setLabel('Olive')")
    180                      (list "teal1" "setLabel('Teal')")
    181                      (list "purple1" "setLabel('Purple')")
    182                      ;; combo boxes
    183                      (list "locale-popup"
    184                            nil ;;"myProductLineController.update()"
    185                            "value")
    186                      (list "mode-popup"
    187                            nil ;;"myProductLineController.update()"
    188                            "value")
    189                      (list "search-popup" nil "value")
    190                      (list "sort-popup" nil "value")))
    191     (let ((w (wget (aref obj 0))))
    192       (when (aref obj 1)
    193         ;;(alert (+ w " " (aref obj 1)))
    194         (wsetp w "oncommand" (aref obj 1))) ;; oncommand
    195       (when (aref obj 2)
    196         (wsetp w "persist" (aref obj 2)))))
    197   (dolist (obj (list "ProductName" "Author" "Manufacturer" "ReleaseDate"
    198                      "ListPrice" "OurPrice" "UsedPrice"))
    199     (wsetp (wget obj) "class" "detail"))
    200   (let ((w (wget "abort-icon")))
    201     ;;(wsetp w "oncommand" " ") ;; TODO override on_abort oncommand
    202     (wsetp w "keycode" "VK_ESCAPE")
    203     (wsetp w "observes" "isSearchRunning"))
    204   (let ((w (wget "meter")))
    205     (wsetp w "value" 0)
    206     (wsetp w "mode" "determined"))
    207   ;; set disabled to false (due to some hack in original code?)
    208   (dolist (n (list "isMabRemote" "search-btn"))
    209     (wsetp (wget n) "disabled" "false"))
    210   (dolist (n (list "locale-popup" "mode-popup" "search-popup" "sort-popup"))
    211     (let ((w (wget n)))
    212       ;; each menupopup/menuitem
    213       (dolist (w2 (slot-value (aref w.child-nodes 0) 'child-nodes))
    214         (wsetp w2 "disabled" "false"))))
    215   ;; remove dummy menu item added in glade to create windows-menu_menu
    216   (wempty (wget "windows-menu_menu"))
    217   ;; TODO build tree
    218   (let ((w (wget "result-tree"))
    219         (h (wmake w "xul:treecols")))
    220     (wsetp w "enableColumnDrag" "true")
    221     (wsetp w "onselect" "showDetails()")
    222     (dolist (x (list
    223                 (create
    224                  :id "expired-col"
    225                  :src "../skin/images/expired.png"
    226                  :label "Expired"
    227                  :fixed "true"
    228                  :hidden "true"
    229                  :persist "ordinal hidden"
    230                  :class "numeric treecol-image"
    231                  :sort-direction "normal"
    232                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by expired products information"
    233                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'MABTSLastUpdate')")
    234                 (create
    235                  :id "status-col"
    236                  :src "../skin/images/status_unread.png"
    237                  :label "Status"
    238                  :fixed "true"
    239                  :persist "ordinal hidden"
    240                  :class "string treecol-image"
    241                  :sort-direction "normal"
    242                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by read"
    243                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'MABStatus')")
    244                 (create
    245                  :id "name-col"
    246                  :label "Product Name"
    247                  :flex "2"
    248                  :persist "width ordinal"
    249                  :class "string"
    250                  :sort-direction "normal"
    251                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by product name"
    252                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'ProductName')")
    253                 (create
    254                  :id "catalog-col"
    255                  :label "Catalog"
    256                  :flex "1"
    257                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    258                  :class "string"
    259                  :sort-direction "normal"
    260                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by catalog"
    261                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'Catalog')")
    262                 (create
    263                  :id "locale-col"
    264                  :label "Country"
    265                  :flex "1"
    266                  :hidden "true"
    267                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    268                  :class "string"
    269                  :sort-direction "normal"
    270                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by country"
    271                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'MABLocale')")
    272                 (create
    273                  :id "price-col"
    274                  :label "Our Price"
    275                  :flex "1"
    276                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    277                  :class "numeric"
    278                  :sort-direction "normal"
    279                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by our Price"
    280                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'OurPrice')")
    281                 (create
    282                  :id "used-price-col"
    283                  :label "Used Price"
    284                  :flex "1"
    285                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    286                  :class "numeric"
    287                  :sort-direction "normal"
    288                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by used Price"
    289                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'UsedPrice')")
    290                 (create
    291                  :id "rating-col"
    292                  :label "Rating"
    293                  :flex "1"
    294                  :hidden "true"
    295                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    296                  :class "numeric"
    297                  :sort-direction "normal"
    298                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by customers rating"
    299                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'AvgCustomerRating')")
    300                 (create
    301                  :id "rank-col"
    302                  :label "Rank"
    303                  :flex "1"
    304                  :hidden "true"
    305                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    306                  :class "numeric"
    307                  :sort-direction "normal"
    308                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by sales rank"
    309                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'SalesRank')")
    310                 (create
    311                  :id "released-col"
    312                  :label "Released"
    313                  :flex "1"
    314                  :hidden "true"
    315                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    316                  :class "date"
    317                  :sort-direction "normal"
    318                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by released year"
    319                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'ReleaseDate')")
    320                 (create
    321                  :id "label-col"
    322                  :src "../skin/images/label.png"
    323                  :label "Label"
    324                  :flex "1"
    325                  :hidden "true"
    326                  :persist "width ordinal hidden"
    327                  :class "string treecol-image"
    328                  :sort-direction "normal"
    329                  :tooltiptext "Click to sort by your labels"
    330                  :onclick "sortResult(this,'MABLabel')")))
    331       (wmake h "xul:treecol" x)
    332       ;; TODO splitter even for the last one???
    333       (wmake h "xul:splitter" (create :class "tree-splitter")))
    334     (wmake w "xul:treechildren" (create :id "list-tree"
    335                                         :flex 1
    336                                         :contextmenu "relatedcontext")))
    337   ;; fix DocOpenManager;-(
    338   #+nil(setf *doc-open-manager.prototype.win-popup (wget "windows-popup_menu")))
    340 (defun init-settings ()
    341   ;; TODO
    342   #+nil(let ((w (wget "settings-header")))
    343     (wadda w.parent-node
    344            (wmake h "xul:dialogheader" (create :title (wgetp w "value"))))
    345     (wremove w)))
    347 (defhandler "on_domain_changed" ()
    348   (my-product-line-controller.update))
    350 (defhandler "on_catalog_changed" ()
    351   (my-product-line-controller.update))
    353 (defhandler "on_abort" ()
    354   ;; empty handler, handler by observes/command
    355   )
    357 (defhandler "on_change_help_page" ()
    358   (let ((wframe (wget "help-iframe"))
    359         (wlist (wget "help-list")))
    360     (wsetp wframe "src" (wgetp wlist.selected-item "value"))))