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asm.l (17971B)

      1 # 05jan13abu
      2 # (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
      4 # *LittleEndian *AlignedCode *Registers optimize
      6 # *FPic *Section *Label *Tags *Map *Program *Statement
      7 # *Instructions *IfStack *DoStack
      8 # "*Mode" "*Modes"
     10 (de *Transfers
     11    call
     12    jmp
     13    jz jeq
     14    jnz jne
     15    js
     16    jns
     17    jsz
     18    jnsz
     19    jc jlt
     20    jnc jge
     21    jcz jle
     22    jncz jgt )
     24 (de *Conditions
     25    (T jmp . jmp)
     26    (z jz . jnz)
     27    (nz jnz . jz)
     28    (s js . jns)
     29    (ns jns . js)
     30    (sz jsz . jnsz)
     31    (nsz jnsz . jsz)
     32    (c jc . jnc)
     33    (nc jnc . jc)
     34    (cz jcz . jncz)
     35    (ncz jncz . jcz)
     36    (eq jz . jnz)
     37    (ne jnz . jz)
     38    (lt jc . jnc)
     39    (le jcz . jncz)
     40    (gt jncz . jcz)
     41    (ge jnc . jc) )
     43 (de build ("File" "Map" . "Prg")
     44    (off *Section *Tags *Map *IfStack *DoStack)
     45    (out "File"
     46       (prinl "/* " (datSym (date)) " */")
     47       (prolog "File")
     48       (run "Prg")
     49       (epilog "File") )
     50    (when "Map"
     51       (out "tags"
     52          (for Lst
     53             (group  # (file (line . sym) (line . sym) ..)
     54                (mapcar
     55                   '((This)
     56                      (cons
     57                         (pack (: src 1) (: src 2))
     58                         (: src -2)
     59                         This ) )
     60                   (idx '*Tags) ) )
     61             (let Tags
     62                (in (car Lst)
     63                   (let (Line 1  Ofs 0)
     64                      (mapcar
     65                         '((X)
     66                            (do (- (car X) Line)
     67                               (inc 'Ofs (inc (size (line T)))) )
     68                            (pack
     69                               `(pack "^J" (char 127))
     70                               (cdr X)
     71                               (char 1)
     72                               (setq Line (car X))
     73                               ","
     74                               Ofs ) )
     75                         (sort (cdr Lst)) ) ) )
     76                (prinl "^L^J" (car Lst) "," (sum size Tags) Tags) ) ) )
     77       (out "Map"
     78          (for Sym (idx '*Map)
     79             (and
     80                (sym? (val Sym))
     81                (; Sym 0 tag)
     82                (prinl Sym " (" (cdr @) " . \"@src64/" (car @) "\")") ) ) ) ) )
     84 (de asm Args
     85    (def (car Args) 'asm (cdr Args)) )
     87 (de idxTags (Lbl Src)
     88    (when Src
     89       (idx '*Tags (def Lbl 'src @) T) ) )
     91 # Sections
     92 (de section (Fun @Sym)
     93    (def Fun
     94       (curry (@Sym) (Lbl Align)
     95          (newSection '@Sym)
     96          (and Align (alignSection @))
     97          (when Lbl
     98             (and (reg Lbl) (quit "Register" Lbl))
     99             (let Src (file)
    100                (idxTags Lbl Src)
    101                (def Lbl 'tag (cdr Src)) )
    102             (label (setq *Label Lbl) T) )
    103          (setq *Program
    104             (make
    105                (while (and (skip "#") (<> "(" (peek)))
    106                   (let Atom (read)
    107                      (cond
    108                         ((== ': Atom)  # Label
    109                            (let Lbl (read)
    110                               (idxTags Lbl (file))
    111                               (link (cons Atom Lbl)) ) )
    112                         ((== '? Atom)  # Conditional
    113                            (unless (eval (read))
    114                               (while (and (skip "#") (n== '= (read)))) ) )
    115                         ((== '= Atom))  # Conditional end
    116                         ((num? Atom)
    117                            (link (cons ': (pack *Label "_" Atom))) )
    118                         ((lup *FlowControl Atom)
    119                            ((; Atom asm) (eval (cadr @))) )
    120                         ((lup *Instructions Atom)
    121                            (link (cons Atom (mapcar eval (cdr @)))) )
    122                         (T (quit "Bad instruction" Atom)) ) ) ) ) )
    123          (when (or *IfStack *DoStack)
    124             (quit "Unbalanced flow") )
    125          (cleanUp)
    126          (setq *Program
    127             (make
    128                (for (L *Program L)
    129                   (ifn (optimize L)
    130                      (link (pop 'L))
    131                      (setq L (nth L (inc (car @))))
    132                      (chain (cdr @)) ) ) ) )
    133          (for *Statement *Program
    134             (if (== ': (car *Statement))
    135                (label (cdr *Statement))
    136                (apply (; (car *Statement) asm) (cdr *Statement)) ) ) ) ) )
    138 # (data 'lbl)
    139 # (data 'lbl 0)
    140 (section 'data 'data)
    142 # (code 'lbl)
    143 # (code 'lbl 0)
    144 # (code 'lbl 2)
    145 (section 'code 'text)
    147 (de cleanUp ()
    148    (use (L1 L2)
    149       (while  # Remove duplicate labels
    150          (seek
    151             '((L)
    152                (and
    153                   (== ': (caar L))
    154                   (== ': (caadr L))
    155                   (cond
    156                      ((= `(char ".") (char (setq L1 (cdar L))))
    157                         (setq L2 (cdadr L)) )
    158                      ((= `(char ".") (char (setq L1 (cdadr L))))
    159                         (setq L2 (cdar L)) ) ) ) )
    160             *Program )
    161          (setq *Program
    162             (mapcan
    163                '((L)
    164                   (cond
    165                      ((<> L1 ((if (atom (cdr L)) cdr cadr) L))
    166                         (cons L) )
    167                      ((memq (car L) *Transfers)
    168                         (cons (list (car L) L2)) ) ) )
    169                *Program ) ) )
    170       (while  # Remove jmp-only labels
    171          (seek
    172             '((L)
    173                (and
    174                   (== ': (car (setq L1 (car L))))
    175                   (= `(char ".") (char (cdr L1)))
    176                   (== 'jmp (car (setq L2 (cadr L)))) ) )
    177             *Program )
    178          (setq *Program
    179             (mapcan
    180                '((L)
    181                   (unless (== L L1)
    182                      (cons
    183                         (if
    184                            (and
    185                               (memq (car L) *Transfers)
    186                               (= (cdr L1) (cadr L)) )
    187                            (list (car L) (cadr L2))
    188                            L ) ) ) )
    189                *Program ) ) ) )
    190    (setq *Program  # Remove unreachable statements
    191       (make
    192          (while *Program
    193             (when (memq (car (link (pop '*Program))) '(jmp ret eval/ret))
    194                (while (and *Program (n== ': (caar *Program)))
    195                   (pop '*Program) ) ) ) ) )
    196    (setq *Program  # Remove zero jumps
    197       (make
    198          (while *Program
    199             (let P (pop '*Program)
    200                (unless
    201                   (and
    202                      (memq (car P) (cdr *Transfers))
    203                      (== ': (caar *Program))
    204                      (= (cadr P) (cdar *Program)) )
    205                   (link P) ) ) ) ) )
    206    (setq *Program  # Toggle inverted jumps
    207       (make
    208          (while *Program
    209             (let P (pop '*Program)
    210                (ifn
    211                   (and
    212                      (memq (car P) (cddr *Transfers))
    213                      (== 'jmp (caar *Program))
    214                      (== ': (caadr *Program))
    215                      (= (cadr P) (cadr (cadr *Program))) )
    216                   (link P)
    217                   (link
    218                      (list
    219                         (cddr
    220                            (find
    221                               '((C) (== (car P) (cadr C)))
    222                               (cdr *Conditions) ) )
    223                         (cadr (pop '*Program)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    225 # Registers
    226 (de reg (X)
    227    (cdr (asoq X *Registers)) )
    229 # Operand evaluation
    230 (de operand (X)
    231    (cond
    232       ((num? X) X)
    233       ((sym? X)
    234          (cond
    235             ((asoq X *Registers) X)
    236             ((; X equ) @)
    237             (T X) ) )
    238       ((asoq (car X) *Registers)
    239          (cons (car X) (operand (cadr X))) )
    240       ((memq (car X) '(+ - * */ / % >> & | %% pack short char hex oct))
    241          (apply (car X) (mapcar operand (cdr X))) )
    242       (T (cons (car X) (operand (cadr X)))) ) )
    244 # Constants
    245 (de %% (N)
    246    (>> -3 (>> 3 (+ N 7))) )
    248 (de short (N)
    249    (| 2 (>> -4 N)) )
    251 (de equ Args
    252    (idxTags (car Args) (file))
    253    (let Val (run (cdr Args) 1)
    254       (def (car Args) 'equ Val)
    255       (def (car Args) Val) ) )
    258 # Source/Destination addressing mode:
    259 #  0    -> Immediate
    260 #  NIL  -> Register
    261 #  T    -> Direct
    262 # (..)  -> Combined
    263 (de "source" (X F)
    264    (setq X (operand X))
    265    (cond
    266       ((num? X)                                 # Immediate
    267          (zero "*Mode")
    268          (pack (and F "~") X) )
    269       ((reg X) (off "*Mode") @)                 # Register
    270       ((atom X) (on "*Mode") X)                 # Direct
    271       ((or (num? (cdr X)) (; (cdr X) equ))
    272          (prog1 (cons ("source" (car X) F) @)
    273             (setq "*Mode" (cons "*Mode" 0)) ) )
    274       ((cdr X)
    275          (and (reg (cdr X)) (quit "Bad source" X))
    276          (prog1 (cons ("source" (car X) F) @)
    277             (setq "*Mode" (cons "*Mode" T)) ) )
    278       (T
    279          (prog1 (cons ("source" (car X) F))
    280             (setq "*Mode" (cons "*Mode")) ) ) ) )
    282 (de source (F)
    283    ("source" (read) F) )
    285 (de sources ()
    286    (off "*Modes")
    287    (let Arg (read)
    288       (if (lst? Arg)
    289          (mapcar
    290             '((X)
    291                (prog1 ("source" X)
    292                   (queue '"*Modes" "*Mode") ) )
    293             Arg )
    294          ("source" Arg) ) ) )
    296 (de "destination" (X F)
    297    (setq X (operand X))
    298    (cond
    299       ((num? X) (quit "Bad destination" X))     # Immediate
    300       ((reg X) (off "*Mode") @)                 # Register
    301       ((atom X)                                 # Direct
    302          (or F (quit "Bad destination" X))
    303          (on "*Mode")
    304          X )
    305       ((or (num? (cdr X)) (; (cdr X) equ))
    306          (prog1 (cons ("destination" (car X) T) @)
    307             (setq "*Mode" (cons "*Mode" 0)) ) )
    308       ((cdr X)
    309          (and (reg (cdr X)) (quit "Bad destination" X))
    310          (prog1 (cons ("destination" (car X) T) (cdr X))
    311             (setq "*Mode" (cons "*Mode" T)) ) )
    312       (T
    313          (prog1 (cons ("destination" (car X) T))
    314             (setq "*Mode" (cons "*Mode")) ) ) ) )
    316 (de destination ()
    317    ("destination" (read)) )
    319 (de destinations ()
    320    (off "*Modes")
    321    (mapcar
    322       '((X)
    323          (prog1 ("destination" X)
    324             (queue '"*Modes" "*Mode") ) )
    325       (read) ) )
    328 # Target addressing mode:
    329 #  NIL  -> Absolute
    330 #  0    -> Indexed
    331 # (0)   -> SUBR
    332 #  T    -> Indirect
    333 (de address ()
    334    (let X (read)
    335       (off "*Mode")
    336       (cond
    337          ((num? X) (pack *Label "_" X))            # Label
    338          ((reg X) (quit "Bad address" X))          # Register
    339          ((atom X) X)                              # Absolute
    340          ((and (=T (cadr X)) (reg (car X)))        # SUBR
    341             (setq "*Mode" (0))
    342             @ )
    343          ((cdr X) (quit "Bad address" X))
    344          ((reg (car X)) (zero "*Mode") @)          # Register indirect
    345          (T (on "*Mode") (car X)) ) ) )            # Indirect
    348 # Flow control
    349 (balance '*FlowControl
    350    (quote
    351       (break (read))
    352       (continue (read))
    353       (do)
    354       (else)
    355       (end)
    356       (if (read))
    357       (loop)
    358       (until (read))
    359       (while (read)) ) )
    361 (de flowCondition (Sym Lbl Neg)
    362    (if ((if Neg cddr cadr) (asoq Sym *Conditions))
    363       (link (list @ Lbl))
    364       (quit "Bad condition" Sym) ) )
    366 (de flowLabel ()
    367    (pack "." (inc (0))) )
    369 (asm if (Sym)
    370    (flowCondition Sym (push '*IfStack (flowLabel)) T) )
    372 (asm else ()
    373    (let Lbl (car *IfStack)
    374       (link
    375          (list 'jmp (set *IfStack (flowLabel)))
    376          (cons ': Lbl) ) ) )
    378 (asm end ()
    379    (link (cons ': (pop '*IfStack))) )
    381 (asm do ()
    382    (link (cons ': (push '*DoStack (flowLabel)))) )
    384 (asm while (Sym)
    385    (flowCondition Sym
    386       (if (pair (car *DoStack))
    387          (car @)
    388          (push *DoStack (flowLabel)) )
    389       T ) )
    391 (asm until (Sym)
    392    (let X (pop '*DoStack)
    393       (flowCondition Sym (fin X) T)
    394       (and (pair X) (link (cons ': (car X)))) ) )
    396 (asm break (Sym)
    397    (flowCondition Sym
    398       (if (pair (car *DoStack))
    399          (car @)
    400          (push *DoStack (flowLabel)) ) ) )
    402 (asm continue (Sym)
    403    (flowCondition Sym (fin (car *DoStack))) )
    405 (asm loop ()
    406    (let X (pop '*DoStack)
    407       (link (list 'jmp (fin X)))
    408       (and (pair X) (link (cons ': (car X)))) ) )
    411 # Instruction set
    412 (balance '*Instructions
    413    (quote
    414       (add (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    415       (addc (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    416       (align (operand (read)))
    417       (and (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    418       (ascii (operand (read)))
    419       (asciz (operand (read)))
    420       (atom (source) "*Mode")
    421       (begin)
    422       (big (source) "*Mode")
    423       (byte (operand (read)))
    424       (bytes (mapcar operand (read)))
    425       (cc (address) "*Mode" (sources) "*Modes")
    426       (call (address) "*Mode")
    427       (clrc)
    428       (clrz)
    429       (cmp (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    430       (cmpn (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    431       (cnt (source) "*Mode")
    432       (dec (destination) "*Mode")
    433       (div (source) "*Mode")
    434       (drop)
    435       (eval)
    436       (eval+)
    437       (eval/ret)
    438       (exec (reg (read)))
    439       (fixnum)
    440       (float)
    441       (func)
    442       (hx2 (read))
    443       (inc (destination) "*Mode")
    444       (initCode)
    445       (initData)
    446       (initFun (file) (read) (read) (operand (read)))
    447       (initLib)
    448       (initMain)
    449       (initSym (file) (read) (read) (operand (read)))
    450       (jc (address) "*Mode")
    451       (jcz (address) "*Mode")
    452       (jeq (address) "*Mode")
    453       (jge (address) "*Mode")
    454       (jgt (address) "*Mode")
    455       (jle (address) "*Mode")
    456       (jlt (address) "*Mode")
    457       (jmp (address) "*Mode")
    458       (jnc (address) "*Mode")
    459       (jncz (address) "*Mode")
    460       (jne (address) "*Mode")
    461       (jns (address) "*Mode")
    462       (jnsz (address) "*Mode")
    463       (jnz (address) "*Mode")
    464       (js (address) "*Mode")
    465       (jsz (address) "*Mode")
    466       (jz (address) "*Mode")
    467       (:: (file) (read))
    468       (ld (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    469       (ld2 (source) "*Mode")
    470       (ld4 (source) "*Mode")
    471       (ldc (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    472       (ldd)
    473       (ldf)
    474       (ldnc (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    475       (ldnz (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    476       (ldz (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    477       (lea (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    478       (link)
    479       (load (destination) "*Mode" (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    480       (memb (source) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    481       (movm (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    482       (movn (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    483       (mset (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    484       (mul (source) "*Mode")
    485       (neg (destination) "*Mode")
    486       (nop)
    487       (not (destination) "*Mode")
    488       (nul (source) "*Mode")
    489       (nul4)
    490       (null (source) "*Mode")
    491       (nulp (source) "*Mode")
    492       (num (source) "*Mode")
    493       (off (destination) "*Mode" (source T) "*Mode")
    494       (or (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    495       (pop (destination) "*Mode")
    496       (prog (reg (read)))
    497       (push (source) "*Mode")
    498       (rcl (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    499       (rcr (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    500       (ret)
    501       (return)
    502       (rol (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    503       (ror (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    504       (save (source) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode" (destination) "*Mode")
    505       (set (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    506       (setc)
    507       (setz)
    508       (shl (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    509       (shr (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    510       (skip (operand (read)))
    511       (slen (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    512       (st2 (destination) "*Mode")
    513       (st4 (destination) "*Mode")
    514       (std)
    515       (stf)
    516       (sub (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    517       (subc (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    518       (sym (source) "*Mode")
    519       (test (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    520       (tuck (source) "*Mode")
    521       (word (operand (read)))
    522       (xchg (destination) "*Mode" (destination) "*Mode")
    523       (xor (destination) "*Mode" (source) "*Mode")
    524       (zxt) ) )
    527 # Directives
    529 (asm :: (Src Lbl)
    530    (idxTags Lbl Src)
    531    (label Lbl T) )
    533 (asm initFun (Src Lbl Name Val)
    534    (initSym Src Lbl Name Val (pack Val (and *AlignedCode "+2"))) )
    536 (asm initSym (Src Lbl Name Val)
    537    (initSym Src Lbl Name Val Val) )
    539 (de initSym (Src Lbl Name Sym Val)
    540    (and Lbl (idxTags Lbl Src))
    541    (idx '*Map (def Name Sym) T)
    542    (setq Name
    543       (let (N 2  Lst (chop Name)  C)
    544          (make
    545             (while (nth Lst 8)
    546                (let L (mapcar char (cut 8 'Lst))
    547                   (unless *LittleEndian
    548                      (setq L (flip L)) )
    549                   (chain L) ) )
    550             (let L
    551                (make
    552                   (do 7
    553                      (setq C (char (pop 'Lst)))
    554                      (link (| N (>> -4 (& 15 C))))
    555                      (setq N (& 15 (>> 4 C))) )
    556                   (link N) )
    557                (unless *LittleEndian
    558                   (setq L (flip L)) )
    559                (chain L) ) ) ) )
    560    (if (nth Name 9)
    561       ((; 'word asm) ".+20")
    562       ((; 'bytes asm) Name)
    563       (off Name) )
    564    (when Lbl
    565       (label Lbl T) )
    566    ((; 'word asm) Val)
    567    (while Name
    568       ((; 'bytes asm) (cut 8 'Name)) ) )
    571 # Condition code optimizations
    572 (de asmNoCC Args
    573    (let Sym (intern (pack (car Args) "-"))
    574       (put (car Args) 'noCC Sym)
    575       (def Sym 'asm (cdr Args)) ) )
    577 (de useCC Lst
    578    (for Sym Lst
    579       (put Sym 'useCC T) ) )
    581 (de chgCC Lst
    582    (for Sym Lst
    583       (put Sym 'chgCC T) ) )
    585 (useCC
    586    ldc ldnc ldz ldnz
    587    addc subc rcl rcr
    588    jz jeq jnz jne js jns jsz jnsz jc jlt jnc jge jcz jle jncz jgt )
    590 (chgCC
    591    movn mset movm save load
    592    add sub inc dec not neg and or xor off test shl shr rol ror
    593    mul div zxt setz clrz
    594    cmp cmpn slen memb null nul4 nul cnt big num sym atom
    595    call cc return
    596    eval eval+ eval/ret exec prog )
    598 (de noCC (Lst)
    599    (with (caar Lst)
    600       (and
    601          (: noCC)
    602          (loop
    603             (NIL (setq Lst (cdr Lst)))
    604             (T (; Lst 1 1 useCC))
    605             (T (; Lst 1 1 chgCC) T)
    606             (T (= '(push T NIL) (car Lst)))
    607             (T (= '(pop T NIL) (car Lst)) T)
    608             (T (== 'ret (caar Lst))
    609                (use (@A @B @Z)
    610                   (not (match '(@A "_" @B "F" @Z) (chop *Label))) ) )
    611             (T
    612                (and
    613                   (== 'jmp (caar Lst))
    614                   (not (setq Lst (member (cons ': (cadar Lst)) *Program))) ) ) )
    615          (: noCC) ) ) )
    618 # Warning message
    619 (de warn (Msg)
    620    (out 2
    621       (printsp *Label *Statement)
    622       (prinl Msg) ) )
    624 # vi:et:ts=3:sw=3